

  Do You Support International Domain Names and Customers?

We hosts all international domains on its servers. We accepts foreign clients, just please be...

  How to View Your Site on the WWW

If your domain name is not yet live on our servers, you can view your pages by using your IP...

  Updated My website but Still See Old Pages?

There is no reason why a page should not update immediately if you force your browser to refresh...

  What type of support do you offer? Average Response Time?

We have very high priority for provision of technical support to our customers. We have multiple...

 Can I use Flash on My Site?

Yes, you can use Flash on your Web Site and all of our hosting packages support Flash. Although...

 Chaning Password Paper Lantern theme Cpanel

cPanel released cPanel versions entitled ‘Paper Lantern’ which promises to clean up the dated and...

 Does my website get a control panel?

Yes. Every web hosting package comes with a web browser based control panel. The control panel...

 Folders and Files in Your Account

When you initially log into the root of your account, dependant upon the method which you choose...

 Getting Started - User Manual

  USER MANUAL - Getting Started   The Files In Your Account When you initially log into the...

 How Do I Get My Site to Load?

Name your main page index.html or index.htm all lower case. Make sure it's in your public_html or...

 How do I transfer my domain name?

You will just need to contact the company that registered your domain and have them change your...

 How much bandwidth do I get?

It depends on the hosting package that you have selected. We ensure that each of our customer get...

 How to Proceed with us for Web Hosting

- Select suitable hosting package form our website, incase unsure, select lowest plan, you can...

 Streaming Audio and Video Via HTTP

It is possible to stream Real Audio/Video content from virtual servers hosted 247-Host via HTTP....

 What happens if I use more bandwidth then has been allotted to me?

Web Hosting Packages are designed in a manner to allocate ample bandwidth to each of our...

 Where and How to upload Files

Capnel Hosting ALL files must be uploaded to your "public_html" or "www" directory when your...

 Where and How to Upload Your Files?

ALL files must be uploaded to your "public_html" or "www" directory. Files are uploaded to your...